Color poems are the expression of thoughts and ideas about colors. Colors are the most important part of our lives. Colors make our lives more exciting and full of life.
Colors in nature make our world a beautiful place to live. Color poems tell us that life is not always black and white. There are many beautiful things to make you smile and laugh.
We have collected some beautiful poems about colors that will be interesting.
Nature Rarer Uses Yellow
By Emily Dickinson
Nature rarer uses yellow
Than another hue;
Saves she all of that for sunsets, —
Prodigal of blue,
Spending scarlet like a woman,
Yellow she affords
Only scantly and selectly,
Like a lover’s words.
Hot Air Ballons Escape
Hot air balloons were escaping from the house
Coming from every slither and slat like a mouse
They rose from the doorway into the wind
Colors of turquoise, orange, yellow, all ascend
Where had they been? Where had they been?
Some came from the windows, others from a crack.
They floated up gracefully, and none wanted back.
I watched their colors go up in the sky.
They were gorgeous and plentiful.
I wonder why?
The Purple Traveler
By Abigail Salazar
Purple glass bottle
Purple diaper
Purple trash
Purple sea
Purple isn’t trash
Purple is particles
Purples is the sea
Purple is a book
Purple is fish
Purple is a paper that was written on.
Purple is a marker that
was used and now is in
the sea
Purple is YOU!
Dear Always Greener
By Eduardo Urquidez
Dear Always Greener,
Your greenness reminds
me of animals in nature
you help plants grow
and help animals exist
without green, they would
be extinct in the world
Your smell is like
a hint of mint
but why are you so green
in mint ice cream
crocs are greener
then gators but
they are both
major predators
By Selvin Ham
Fritos are brown
Their brown is light
Kind of like ochre
Makes me feel scared
Their brown is light
They’re creepy as a zombie
Makes me feel scared
They sleep a lot
Their creepy as a zombie
They write in cursive
They sleep a lot
At day they sleep
B-L-A-C-K, Black.
Black like a cat.
Black like a bat.
Black like a snake.
Black like the sky,
When it’s getting late.
Racism Is Around Me Everywhere
Of human ignorance, I am almost in despair
For racism is around me everywhere
But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss
Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
Some people carry their honor in a flag
And of their nationality, they brag
They feel superior and they differentiate
And against those who are different, they discriminate.
So many people still judged by their race
For such there never ought to be a place
‘A fair go’ those untruthful words I do recall
There is no such thing as a ‘fair go for all’.
Though we live in a so-called democracy
Of racism, we never will be free
They judge you by where you come from and the colour of your skin
For many equality and respect seems impossible to win.
It’s been a while since the days of Martin Luther King
His name to it has a familiar ring
If against racism he did not choose to strive
Today the great man he would be alive.
So many holding the reins of power not spiritually aware
And racism is around me everywhere
And racism only leads to division and war
Just goes to show how ignorant some are.
By Annette Wynne
When God made everything
I’m glad he had a lot of blue-
A great big sky for all the world
And eyes like yours for you.
Bluebells carpet the woodland floor
Packed so tightly that insects tip-toe
Softly and quietly between them.
Their beauty unlocks a woodland door
With such colour of delicate blue,
And a fragrance that is heaven sent.
They droop their heads in the spring rain,
With their beauty making all things new.
Their magic weaves a pleasant spell
A sea of blue that meanders in the breeze
And floats delicately over the forest floor,
Their fragrance creates a delicate smell.
Nature now has all its beauty brought
To the fore before summer casts its spell
Delicate bluebells making spring so fine
Their time on earth far too short.
By Amos Russell Wells
Dear Nature’s love color, as man’s is red,—
Flushing the bosom of her swelling plains,
Mirrored in all her limpid flowing veins,
And on the sweet brows of her hills outspread,—
Your charm to all fair color charms is wed;
Royal as purple all your oak green reigns;
Like girlish pink and white your birch-green lanes,
And with the sky’s true blue your lawns are fed.
How does one color body many souls!
Young cedar green laughs happy in the sun;
The green of elms a sage discourse outrolls;
Of hemlock, green are plots and poisons spun;
A color drama with one actor this,
Weaving an endless metamorphosis
Symphony in Yellow
By Oscar Wilde
An omnibus across the bridge
Crawls like a yellow butterfly
And, here and there, a passer-by
Shows like a little restless midge.
Big barges full of yellow hay
Are moored against the shadowy wharf,
And, like a yellow silken scarf,
The thick fog hangs along the quay.
The yellow leaves begin to fade
And flutter from the Temple elms,
And at my feet the pale green Thames
Lies like a rod of rippled jade.
These are all about the color poems. I hope you enjoyed these very well.