Graduation poems are a mix of celebration and excitement for the future. Graduation is a special event that happens when you finish a certain level of school or college.
It’s like reaching the end of a big chapter in your educational journey. It is a time to feel super proud of yourself. You worked hard, learned a lot, and now you’re ready for new adventures.
Graduation poems are a wonderful way to celebrate graduation. They allow you to express your emotions creatively.
They strengthen the sense of community among the graduating class. These poems provide a platform to celebrate the specific achievements of the graduates.
Let’s share some graduation poems with our classmates and make this special event memorable.
A Time To Celebrate
Six years have gone by so fast,
Our memories will forever last,
We celebrate today
Our achievements on display,
A New Chapter Begins
Sixth-grade graduation,
Marks the end of an era,
But a new chapter,
In our young lives now begins,
With endless possibilities.
The Last Goodbye
On the last bell ring,
Saying goodbye to it all,
Six years of hard work,
Sixth-grade graduation day,
Memories we’ll treasure forever.
The Future Awaits
Caps and gowns we wear,
Our future in our own hands,
Sixth-grade graduation,
A day of hope and promise,
As we embark on new dreams.
A Time For Reflection
Thinking back on six years,
Laughter, tears, and everything,
Friends we’ll always have,
Sixth-grade graduation day,
Reflecting on our journey.
Memories to Cherish
Elementary school,
Memories that we have made,
Friends we’ll always keep,
Sixth-grade graduation day,
Forever etched in our hearts.
Don’t Drift
Live for something, have a purpose,
And that purpose keep in view;
Drifting like a helmless vessel,
Thou canst ne’er to life be true.
Half the wrecks that strew life’s ocean,
If some star had been their guide,
Might have now been riding safely,
But they drifted with the tide.
The Last Goodbye
The bell rings, and I know it’s time to say goodbye
to the place where I have grown and learned so much.
Memories of laughter, tears, and friendship fill my mind
as I walk out these doors one last time.
I take a deep breath, exhale, and wave my farewell
to sixth-grade graduation day.
Dreams Come True
As I sit here in my cap and gown
I can’t help but smile
thinking about the past six years
and all the hard work it took to get here.
I am proud of myself
for never giving up on my dreams
and for pushing myself to be the best I can be.
Today, I celebrate my success
on my sixth-grade graduation day.
The Next Chapter
As we stand here together
ready to take on the world
I know that this is not the end
but only the beginning of our journey.
We are the future
and today marks the start
of a new chapter in our lives.
Sixth-grade graduation is just the first step
towards our bright and promising future.
A Time To Remember
From the first day of school
to this very moment
I have shared so many memories
with my classmates and friends.
As I look around at their smiling faces
I know that this is a time to remember
a time to cherish
and a time to celebrate
our sixth-grade graduation day.
The Final Bow
As we take our final bow
on this stage of life
we are ready to move on
to bigger and greater things.
We have learned so much
over the past six years
and now it’s time to spread our wings
and fly away.
But as we leave this place behind
we will always remember
our sixth-grade graduation day.
True Greatness
Poet: A. C. Shaw
The cap, the gown, the robe, the crown,
The titles of today –
Like mist before the morning sun,
Will surely pass away.
Conceal your learning while you may,
Nor list to emulation;
Let others seek the road to fame,
Strive not for reputation.
The hill is long and hard to climb
That leads you to success;
True greatness, after all, is just
A test of usefulness.
The Few
The easy roads are crowded,
And the level roads are jammed;
The pleasant little rivers
With the drifting folks are crammed.
But off yonder where it’s rocky,
Where you get a better view,
You will find the ranks are thinning
And the travelers are few.
Where the going’s smooth and pleasant
You will always find the throng;
For the many, mores the pity,
Seem to like to drift along.
But the steps that call for courage,
And the task that’s hard to do,
In the end results in glory
For the never-wavering few.
Poet: Julie Hebert,
We prayed and pleaded for you to succeed,
And here we are at your graduation.
God certainly held up his part,
Just as he did with the rest of creation!
You’ve been blessed and are much loved,
By many, in and out of this world.
May the love they share wrap around you so tight,
Your fingers won’t be able to curl.
Your future will be filled with many new blessings,
At first you may not understand them all.
Sometimes our patience is put to the test,
But knowing you, it won’t be a downfall!
The next years you will be prayed for still,
And your blessings will continue to come.
And even though things won’t always go your way,
I have no doubt that you can overcome.
You Have Excelled
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Your schooling, you have done so well
You are now graduating, you have excelled.
We are so proud of you
And we wish you success in all you do!
Now you venture on the journey of life
There will be ups and downs and some strife
But always look forward, do your best
Find the good, it will eliminate the stress.
Success is found by those who do
Don’t let anyone stop you from being you.
A positive attitude you do display
It will help you on your way!
Congratulations on your success
We wish you love and happiness!
New Beginning
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Never stop believing in yourself.
When others doubt, don’t you.
Do what you love to do,
No one knows better than you.
Life is too short to live others’ dreams
Follow your own dream
Push yourself to reach your goals
And live the life you once dreamed.
Trust your instincts.
Be true to yourself.
You know what is right for you.
Never give up or give in.
Forget the words “I don’t know how”.
You can learn,
You can research,
You can do.
Your mind is powerful.
When you believe you can.
You will find a way
You won’t waste a day.
Persist and persevere
Do not fear
Because if you believe in you
You will find dreams can come true.
May all your dreams turn into goals,
Believe in yourself.
And remember, all of life is a choice.
The decision is up to you.
Believe in Yourself, Dare To Be
Whatever You Want To Be!
Poet: Julie Hebert
Congrats, bravo, you did it!
Now on to the next chapter of your life.
It won’t be all cherries and roses,
But keep thinking positive and work through that strife.
Each time we move on to something different,
We sometimes hold our expectations high,
Try not to be disappointed but see all the good,
So you will be strong and we can watch you fly.
Graduation is an amazing thing.
You stuck with it and showed you can.
Many people are excited and impressed,
Can’t forget how you made me a fan!
I wish you all the best in your future,
May it be everything you want and need.
I see great things to come your way,
You have what it takes to succeed!
You remember her running to find the beach
And when an adventure was eating a peach
And nothing she wanted was out of reach
You remember her terrified of anything new
So fragile and brave the first day of school
Then proudly parading the picture she drew
You remember the first Halloween she created
That goulish green dress, and the glitter she raided!
You found it today, in a box, old and faded
You remember so much – her first Christmas play,
Her first slumber party, her first grounded day
You see the years, like a thief, slowly stole her away
She’ll run now alone to her life, and choose
Her own path to what she will find, and lose
This is her stage, her spotlight, her bow
Love her forever, let her go now.
Graduation Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Graduation day is finally here, your dreams you did pursue.
All your hard work has paid off, we are so very proud of you.
The nights of study, the projects due
You did them all and more too.
It has all paid off, your studying is done
We hope you make time to enjoy some fun.
Always remember life is learning journey
Keep filling your mind with all that is worthy.
May the happiness you feel today
Be a feeling you keep as you go on your way.
May life be happy and good to you,
And may you find success in all you do.
This is all about Graduation Poems.