Holiday poetry conveys messages of unity, love, and hope. On holidays, people do not work, so there is an opportunity to renew family bonds.
Relatives that you haven’t seen in a while will join you at that time. We have special foods and activities during the holidays. By reading and sharing the holiday poetry with our friends and family, we can enjoy it a lot.
Holiday poems are a special kind of writing that helps us celebrate the happiness of those days. These poems tell us about many things, like presents, decorations, or the joy of being with family and friends.
Below, we are going to share some of the beautiful poems for you to enjoy during the holidays. You can even write your poetry about holidays and share it with us.
Holiday Wishes
We wish for you a holiday
That’s better than your dreams,
Filled with peace, good will and hope
And firelight that gleams,
Overflowing with holiday spirit
Good food and holiday laughter;
And when it’s done, We hope that you
Live happily ever after!
That Time Of Year
That time of year’s come ’round again,
So we wish you all the best.
The joy that comes from knowing you
Makes us feel that we’ve been blessed.
So we’ll share with you our feelings
At this special time of year:
May your holidays be a delight,
Filled with happiness and cheer.
Special Holidays
We’re thinking of you this time of year,
Wishing you happiness, joy, and cheer.
May all your days be warm and bright,
And your nights enhanced by holiday light.
Enjoy your delectable holiday foods,
As parties and gifts create holiday moods.
Favorite people play a meaningful part,
While treasured rituals warm your heart.
There’s not a day in all the year
But holds some hidden pleasure,
And looking back, joys oft appear
To brim the past’s wide measure
The happy days unclouded to their close;
The sudden joys that out of darkness start
As flames from ashes; swift desires that dart
Like swallows singing down each wing that blows!
Before The Ice Is In The Pools
By Emily Dickinson
Before the fields have finished
Before the Christmas tree,
Wonder upon wonder
Will arrive to me!
“Horses in Snow”
By Roberta Hill
The colt kicked his hind, loped from the fence.
The mares and a stallion galloped behind,
lifting and leaping, finding each other
in full accord with the earth and their bodies
By Gail Mazur
A Franklin stove keeps the place so cozy
it’s hard to imagine why anyone would leave,
clumping across the frozen beach to the river.
December’s always the same at Ware’s Cove
“Beyond the Red River
By Thomas McGrath
The birds have flown their summer skies to the south,
And the flower-money is drying in the banks of bent grass
Which the bumble bee has abandoned. We wait for a winter lion,
Body of ice-crystals and sombrero of dead leaves
“Mad As The Mist And Snow
” By William Butler Yeats
Bolt and bar the shutter,
For the foul winds blow:
Our minds are at their best this night
And I seem to know
That everything outside us is
Mad as the mist and snow
A Friend’s Greeting
By Edgar A
I’d like to be the sort of friend
that you have been to me;
I’d like to be the help that you’ve been
always glad to be;
I’d like to mean as much to you
each minute of the day
As you have meant, old friend of mine,
to me along the way.
I’d like to do the big things
and the splendid things for you,
To brush the gray out of your skies
and leave them only blue;
I’d like to say the kindly things
that I so oft have heard,
And feel that I could rouse your soul
the way that mine you’ve stirred.
I’d like to give back the joy
that you have given me,
Yet that were wishing you a need
I hope will never be;
I’d like to make you feel
as rich as I, who travel on
Undaunted in the darkest hours
with you to lean upon.
I’m wishing at this Christmas time
that I could but repay
A portion of the gladness
that you’ve strewn along the way;
And could I have one wish this year,
this only would it be:
I’d like to be the sort of friend
that you have been to me.
This was all about the Holiday Poetry.