Islamic poems about life are a beautiful expression of faith and reflection on the journey of existence guided by Islamic principles.
They encourage readers to reflect on the spiritual aspects of their journey. They touch upon themes such as gratitude, patience, and the transient nature of worldly pursuits.
They provide moral guidance by conveying stories, parables, or lessons from the Quran and Hadith.
Life is full of challenges, and Islamic poems about life offer solace and encouragement during difficult times.

They remind individuals to turn to their faith, seek patience, and trust in Allah’s wisdom to navigate through life’s trials. also express deep love for Allah and appreciation for the beauty of His creation.
Whether describing the wonders of nature or the intricate details of life, they instil a sense of awe and gratitude.
Let’s read some Islamic poems about life.
Allah Is The Greatest
When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.
When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness,
Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn’t make sense, but Allah is The Wise.
When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won’t hurt you, He is The Fair.
When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember Allah Sees it all.
When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.
When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.
When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.
When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.
And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.
Ahad Ahad!
Why shed these tears of sorrow?
Why shed these tears of grief?
Ya nafsy how soon you forget,
After trials come sweet relief
Why turn you from Ar-Rahman?
Why yearn for a listening friend?
Ya nafsy, do you not remember,
On ALLAH, you must depend?
Read you not those stories,
of the trials in days gone by,
Of the Sahabi beloved by Allah,
Who for Allah’s cause did strive?
Why loosen your hold upon him?
Why fling away, His outstretched Hand?
Ya nafsy, do you not remember,
Bilal’s sabr on the blazing sand?
“Ahad! Ahad!” He cried,
While his flesh did drip and burn.
“Ahad! Ahad!” He cried,
To Allah alone he turned.
Forget you the firmness of Hamza,
As the gleaming swords did fall?
With Sabr he turned to Allah,
as the qureish did slice and maul.
Why drown in salty teardrops?
How can you dare compare your pain?
To that of Yasir and Summayah,
As the lay tortured on the scorching plain?
Forget you the charring of Khabbab,
As on burning coals he lay?
Ya nafsy how meager your suffering,
Wherefore do you lose your way?
Why befriend you not Al-Wali?
Why not in Salat to Him complain?
Like Job who only to Allah,
Turned in all his grief and pain?
Forget you those trials in this life,
Cleanse your heart and make it clean?
Ya nafsy, why all this sadness?
Do you not wish your heart to gleam?
Be patient in all your hardships,
Allah hears your cries of woe.
So trust Him and His hikma,
For He knows best and you don’t know.
So tighten your hold upon him,
Lest He withdraw His outstretched Hand!
And remember the example of Bilal,
As he lay anchored on the blazing sand.
“Ahad! Ahad!” he cried,
While his flesh did drip and burn.
“Ahad! Ahad!” he cried,
To Allah alone he turned.
Read The Quran
So brothers and sisters, to increase your iman
Read the miracle, read the Quran
Here’s a fact for the ones who are keener
92 surahs revealed in Mecca, 22 in Medinah
Read it every day and to read it be proud
The word Quran means to read it aloud
Read the book from the Lord of the worlds
Over 6,000 verses and 77,000 words
Read with respect, no disturbance, no laughters
from Al Fatiha to An Naas, all 114 chapters
And in it 14 times you need to prostrate
And say Allah ho Akbar, meaning Allah is great
In this book, 25 prophets are mentioned by name
Who came at different times but their message was the same
This miracle was revealed over a 23 year span
Sent from Allah (swt), to an angel and then to a man
That man was Muhammed (saws), the best of creation
And we are proud to be part of his nation
He gave us a message and that was Islam
So read this miracle, read the Quran
The Purpose of Life
What is the purpose of this life?
Money, holidays, a beautiful wife?
There is no point in us denying
Each heart beat brings us closer to dying
You’ll breathe your last
Your life will have past
Don’t pretend
Death’s not the end
You will taste death, death never waited
Look around you, everything’s created
It has a creator, it has a meaning
A mother gives birth and then comes it’s weaning
The sun rises and gives us light
It sets, then falls, the blanket of night
The plants all grow, when falls the rain
They give fruits to man, and they too will wane
Why does man think that he will get away?
Spending life aimlessly, as if he’s here to stay
A fixed time is appointed, everything will perish
Everything you hate, everything you relish
Except the Almighty Allah, He will remain
And then will come judgement, all on one plain
Allah will say, I gave you life
I gave you health, wealth and a wife
What did you do with your time?
What did you do in your prime?
Did you spread my message, did you spread islam?
Why not? Did you not read the Quran?
My friends, we muslims, we are so blessed
Allah gave us islam to supercede all the rest
My non-muslim friends, the Quran must be read
Read before it’s too late and you’re dead
You owe it to yourselves, it will make you cry
You’ll know these words are from the Lord most High
Instructing mankind to the purpose of life
And the reward my friends is everlasting life
Our purpose is to worship our Lord most High
The reward is heaven where no one will die
You’ll have anything you want, all the best dishes
And Almighty Allah will grant all of your wishes
This life my friends is just a cage
We should live by His orders, to be safe from his rage
You will understand when you read the holy Quran
You’ll know the religion of truth is islam
Protect yourself and your families from hell
Embrace islam and all will be well
For the deeds of this life, you’ll pay the price
In the depths of hell or in paradise
C’mon its time to pray
Magrib time is moving away
Just wait Im almost done
Please just 1 more savory bun
Remember Salaatul Awaabeen
An opportunity for us to strengthen our Deen
Just 6 Rakaats, hardly much pain
And 12 years sawaab to your name
Just wait! My samoosas are running away
Don’t forget I was fasting the whole long day!
Some time for ALLAH’s words wont you spare?
It’s the month of the Qur’aan, don’t you care!
What! These pies I can’t waste!
My favorite I at least have to taste
Some Zikr to enlighten your heart?
A few moments for taleem wont you part?
Not now! A good time it doesn’t seem
I’m just about to tuck in to my delicious haleem
The month is over much too fast
And 1 more Ramadhaan has already passed
Wasn’t it such a spiritual feat?
Oh Definitely! But atleast now I can eat!
Come Home To Allah
When your weary body finds solace upon the earth’s embrace,
And your head rests in tranquil grace,
Whisper Subhana Rabbi al a’la, in whispers so profound,
For your Lord alone to hear the sacred sound.
It is Allah, welcoming you home, His embrace so wide,
For it’s been a while since you last came to His side.
It is Allah, speaking to you, His words profound and true,
Did We not find you lost, and guide you too?
So, why not be grateful, in every prayer you make,
For Allah is with us, make no mistake.
It is Allah, comforting you in times of despair,
Do not be sad, for I am always there.
It is Allah, the Divine Healer of your pain,
Verily, with hardship, ease will follow, like gentle rain.
So, why not be patient, in every trial you face,
For in your Sujood, you’ll find your sacred space.
As you pour your heart out in prostration so deep,
Sharing your aching limbs, and secrets you keep,
Your Lord will reply, with love in His voice,
“Come home, my dear, in My embrace, rejoice.
Come home, and you will find healing’s embrace,
Come home, and you’ll be loved, in My endless grace,
Come home, and you’ll be nourished, heart and soul,
And you’ll wonder why you left, as the seasons roll.”
In The Sacred Land Of Makkah
In the sacred land where dreams ascend,
Where pilgrims embark, their souls to mend,
In the realm of Hajj, where hearts unite,
A journey divine, in the realm of light.
From distant corners, they gather as one,
A multitude diverse, under the blazing sun,
Leaving behind the mundane and mundane,
To seek redemption, in Allah’s domain.
With ihram draped, a white cloak so pure,
They walk together, in steps secure,
Through the desert’s heat and arid sand,
In pursuit of blessings, they faithfully stand.
Makkah, the sanctuary, a sight divine,
The Kaaba stands tall, a beacon to align,
Circling the House, their spirits soar,
Tawaf, a rite and prayer, they forever adore.
Oh, Hajj, a sacred voyage of the soul,
Where unity and devotion make us whole,
In this holy land, a tapestry unfurls,
A symphony of hearts, where Allah’s love swirls.
Oh, blessed journey, a sacred embrace,
A spiritual homecoming, a divine chase,
Hajj, the pilgrimage of love and grace,
May its blessings shine, on every face.
Embrace Life With Piety
In realms where ascetic souls reside,
Where worldly charms they choose to hide,
Abstaining from life’s tempting game,
In Allah’s love, they find their aim.
For pleasures fleeting, they won’t yearn,
In solitude, a lesson learned,
In quiet moments, hearts find peace,
From worldly bonds, they seek release.
No laughter loud, nor fragrance sweet,
Can lure them from their faith’s heartbeat,
In prayer and fasting, they immerse,
Their souls in worship, free from curse.
The beauty of the world they shun,
For in submission, life is won,
In simple acts of love and care,
They find Allah’s presence rare.
In every trial and every test,
They see a path that’s truly blessed,
Abstaining from life’s fleeting pleasures,
They seek Allah’s eternal treasures.
In detachment, they find bliss,
From worldly ties, they gently kiss,
For in surrender, they are free,
Embracing life with piety.
The Real Orphan
The real orphan is unruly
yet he thinks he acts coolly
He loves to rant and rave;
is it attention he craves?
Who has produced one so errant?
surely it is the hopeless parent!
The father too busy in the shop
the mother buying another shapely top!
The parents cares for him not
letting him to lie and rot
If one has to about him complain
the parents says; ‘surely my angel isn’t to blame!’
The Masjid Invites You
The Masjid invites you….
A few days after Ramadan, many masjids were seen to cry.
Someone asked one, why?
You ask me why I am so grieved?
It’s because I have been deceived.
I ask, Oh Muslim, where have you gone, where are you?
It doesn’t seem real or true.
Oh my beloved, was it all a dream, was it all a show?
That is why my tears do flow.
Why don’t you visit me, why have you not returned?
From the past month is this what you learned?
My soul is empty without you and also my heart
How can you feel at ease being so far apart?
You are the one, whom the Lord chose for his own remembrance,
So why should I not lament at your absence?
Why do I no longer hold any charm?
From where else will you attain inner peace or calm?
I call you every day but you do not respond
Day by day weakens our bond!
I call you in the day and I call you at night.
For sure something’s not right
Don’t you recognize me anymore?
Is it deliberate or do you really have no choice?
When will you light me up again?
Try Your Best
When you know you are trying your best,
When to please your Maker you never rest
Then excuse those who do not see the light,
In what you stand for and constantly fight.
Those who unjustly try to serve a punch,
The Almighty Alone protects from that bunch.
Those who say a lot but know you not,
Should be ashamed of what they’ve now got.
Waste not your time straightening their line,
Rather draw a perfect one & you’ll be fine.
But correct yourself if they are indeed right,
For that is righteousness in His Sight!

Muslim Only By Name
I am a muslim but only by name
when it comes to practicing, what a shame!
I go to friends and relatives in suit and tie
it’s all right if i occasionally lie.
yes i practice but when it suits me
more to the point ,when it pleases the society.
if i show my ankles, they’ll point and laugh
they’ll think it’s too short and reckon i’m daft.
if i trim my moustache and grow the beard
they’ll reckon i’m a fanatic or something weird.
if i wear the sunnah i’ll get great reward
but the kuffar will look down on me, that i can’t afford.
yes i’m a muslim but only by name,
i make excuses, which i admit are rather lame.
yes i’m a sane man and i’m on the right track
who am i kidding, i feel like a right jack!
The best thing is no one can hear what’s going on inside
people think i’ve got it made and with my life i’m satisfied.
But i’m afraid this is a fable and it’s pure deception
i have no peace of mind but this i daren’t even mention.
if i remain ignorant it’s OK cos then i don’t have to practice
yes i’m convincing and these are baseless evil tactics.
But I read the kalimah and I think I have imaan
I can’t help my attitude I was placed in a Kufrastaan.
yes i’m a muslim but only by name
and with my precious life i’m playing a foolish disastrous game.
O’ you who love to party and rave
Remember one day you will go to the grave
Friends and guys wanna be in your ‘crew’
Remember the darkness and loneliness of the grave awaits you
Fashion and clothes you love to adorn
Remember the day will come to sound the horn
Raised up will be the whole of mankind
Our deeds presented from ahead or behind
If from in front – to Jannah you are shown
From behind – into Hellfire you will be thrown
Trust me, now is the time to toil and sweat
Before in the hereafter you remorse and regret
Accumulate many good deeds whilst still alive
For the pleasure of Allah continue to strive
For this, Inshallah, Jannah is your reward
Repent now, come and worship your Lord.
The Sacred Month Of Rajab
The month of Rajab, one of the sacred four
a time to reflect, extra worship and seeking forgiveness at His door
The month brings reminder of the upcoming month of fasting
use it to mentally and physically prepare for the month of blessing
What can we do to prepare?
First lets deal with all the worldly affair
Next, Remember the hereafter and our final destination
Hell or heaven which of these are you working to make your final destination?
Thirdly, Charity, learn to help those more in need
With the intention of pleasing Allah, to succeed
Finally, Make dua’a to Allah seeking maghfirah & guidance
pray for a month with blessing & obedience
and may He bless us too during Shabaan
and let us reach the month of Ramadaan
An Evil Glance
Cast an evil glance
Shaytan begins to dance
For an arrow has been shot to the heart
And a darkness has enveloped it
After the glance, the darkness leaves
but the heart is adversly affected
Our Children
This is the story of a Muslim named Mo.
It’s a symbolic story that many of us may know.
He was born in a Muslim family but they were weak in the deen.
He was a lovely child, he was more precious then anything you’ve seen.
He grew up so quick; it was just a flash before his parent’s eyes.
They didn’t get to teach him about Islam. You know how the time just flies.
Before they knew it, they were sending him off to school.
They were so happy; he shined like a precious little jewel.
He was taught that he was a Muslim, but that’s about all he knew.
He wanted to know more but his dad had way too many things to do.
He had cute little cheeks; they turned rosy as he got tired.
He was a handsome little guy, he was always admired.
But with his parents so busy, he never got to learn about Allah.
The days past by and his parents never taught him how to do Salah.
Some more years past by, and by now his voice began to change.
He felt new emotions, and he liked them, even though they felt strange.
His dad finally took him one day to some Islamic Sunday school.
But he had already learned from his friends that religion just wasn’t cool.
Time passed by and the little man grew older.
With the passage of time his temper became bolder.
His mother was getting worried, he was found to be ditching school.
But she didn’t say anything, or else his temper would flare up like fuel.
He would go to parties and come home all drunk.
And in some of his classes he was now beginning to flunk.
Her cute little rosy-cheeked child had become a wild young man.
She cried every night because teaching him Islam was never in her plan.
He meet a pretty girl named Rose, he thought he loved her for sure.
She noticed how he felt, so she asked him to go out with her.
He thought it was love at first sight, she kissed him on the first date.
But she just wanted to sleep with him, yet to that he had no debate.
He would go out all night with her, sometimes without even saying good-bye.
“Why didn’t I show him the deen?” His father could only cry.
He kept on partying while his family kept on weeping.
And he meet other girls, and with them too he was also sleeping.
He started to look sick, and he wasn’t really felling so good.
His mother just had to cry, he didn’t look like the way he should.
He went to the doctor for what he thought was a cold.
“Young man, you got AIDS,” is what he was told.
When his mom found out she just couldn’t take the pain.
For not teaching him his deen, she knew she was to blame.
Mo got sicker and you could see him getting weaker day by day.
And he didn’t know Allah, so to Him he never prayed.
What could she do now for her once precious little guy?
She knew he needed the deen, but now she could only cry.
His time came one day so the Angel came for his spirit.
His dad told him to say la ilaha illalah, but Mo didn’t hear it.
“What’s that dad? I can’t seem to hear you, everything’s going dull.”
But before Mo ever heard it, the Angel was off with his soul.
His father fell to his knees and cried like he never did before.
He knew he should have taught him the deen, so he felt guilty to the core.
This is the story of little Mo. Lets not let it be the story of our kid’s
situation. So please, my dear brothers and sisters, take this deen to the next
generation with seriousness and its totality
and we must show it to them from our action inshaAllah.
Ramadan Poem
By Donna Sibaai
The holy month of Ramadan
For all Muslims has begun.
Praising Allah through the day,
From dawn to dusk we fast and pray.
We pay zakah (charity) for those in need,
Trying hard to do good deeds.
When the sun has set, and day is done-
I’ll break this chain, but only one.
By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be all gone!
It’s time for Eid and lots of fun!!!
This is all about Islamic poems about life.