Poems about climate change reflect on our relationship with the environment. This type of poetry tells us that we will be kind to the earth.
Use things like cars and energy in a way that doesn’t cause too much pollution. That way, we can keep our planet happy and healthy for everyone.
Climate change can be a cause of the spread of diseases like malaria and dengue fever. Climate change poems can help educate readers about the complexities of climate issues.
Some climate change poems celebrate the beauty of nature. They use beautiful words to talk about how amazing and special our world is.
We should protect it so that future generations can enjoy the same beauty as we do.
Let’s enjoy the poetry, and while reading these poems about climate change, we need to be like superheroes for the Earth.
Environmental Preservation
The sands of time have rendered fear
Blue skies on high no longer clear
Stars were bright whence they came
Now dimmed, obscured, pollution’s haze
Crystal clear our waters gleamed
Fish abundant, rivers streamed
Ocean floors sandy white
Now littered, brown, pollution’s plight
Trees towered high above
Trunks baring professed love
Birds chirping from sites unseen
Gone, paper joined pollution’s team
One can’t blame pollution alone
As they say, you reap what you’ve sown
So let us plant a better seed
Tear out old roots, cultivate, weed
Protect what has been given for free
Our waters, skies, wildlife and trees
For once they’re gone, don’t you say
Consider yourself warned of that fatal day
Water is Company
By Ruth Padel
You close your eyes so you can’t see the omens.
You try praying for rain. You wait
for an augury, sing to the brook
while the self flies out and away
like a bird from a withered branch
and the wind, with a hollow sound
like a breaking pot, whips the lake to a dance
of bubble-froth soap-suds, blocking the drain.
Destruction Of Earth
Broken bottles and charred pieces of glass,
Wadded up newspapers tossed on the grass,
Pouring of concrete and tearing out trees.
This is the environment that surrounds me?
Poisons and insecticides sprayed on our food,
Oceans filling with thick oil crude.
All sea life destined to a slow, awful doom.
These are the things we are to consume?
Mills pumping out iron, expelling yellow fumes,
Airlines emitting caustic gases from fuels,
Weapons of destruction tested at desolate sites.
And this is the air that’s to sustain life?
There has to be something that someone can do,
Like raise the awareness to those around you
That if we don’t heed the problem at hand
It’s your life that’s at stake, the destruction of man.
Plea To Save The Earth
The land is in a constant state of birth,
Giving life to all who live on Earth.
Our carelessness and fears
Have taken a toll over the years.
Her land is parched and scorched
As man continues to light the torch.
We continue a want of speed and ease,
All while our pesticides kill off our bees.
It’s time to wake up and see Mother Earth’s pain.
Humanity’s selfishness is becoming insane.
Soon her cries will turn to gloom,
And man will cause its own doom
The Earth’s Future
The waves are rolling toward the shore.
A silent world – an empty core.
Lifeless land with nothing more.
The waves are crashing on the shore.
The fabled beast – a mighty roar,
Extinction men choose to ignore,
And the waves are breaking at the shore.
A new beginning, our fathers – fore,
Human nature set to explore.
The waves are lapping at the shore.
Seven seas sailed, in the skies we soar.
Kingdoms conquered, blood they pour.
Crimson waves rest on the shore.
A fractured earth, relations sore.
A greed that breaks our natural core,
And the waves are turning on the shore.
Gluttonous rage,
We lust for more,
And the waves are monsters on the shore.
The tides are turning.
The land is raw.
Time to face our nature’s law.
And the waves are rolling toward the shore,
And the waves are rolling toward the shore,
And the waves are rolling toward the shore…
Forever more.
Treating Earth Poorly
This Mother Earth,
Who gives us life;
This Mother Earth,
Heart filled with strife,
We love her not,
Though love we should;
Her death we plot,
For life’s “own good;”
She gave us air, and food, and home.
That’s not enough we humans scream;
With greedy lust, our mouths do foam,
With evil hopes, our eyes do gleam;
Her air we fill
With smoke and death;
Ourselves we kill,
For lack of breath;
The sea once clean,
Now choked with waste;
To drink, we fear,
Will death make haste;
The soil once pure
And full of life,
Now barren sand
Of farmers’ strife;
No longer she
Can stand our “love;”
Now we must flee
Like scattered dove;
She gave us all,
Unto the end;
Now we appalled,
Our lives defend.
Ice Would Suffice
How swift, how far
the sea
carries a body from shore.
Empires fail, species are lost,
spotted frogs
and tufted puffins forsaken.
After eons of fauna and flora, hominids have stood
for mere years
baffled brains atop battered shoulders.
In a murky blanket of heavens
an icy planet
made of diamond spins.
Our sun winks like the star
it was
billions of years ago, without ambition.
We bury bodies in shallow dirt, heedless of lacking space
or how long
our makeshift planet will host us.
Climate change is defined as gradual changes in all the interconnected weather elements on our planet over approximately 30 years.
Clean air and water, and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is our moral obligation -if, admittedly, a daunting one.”
Climate change is about abnormal variations to the climate, and the effects of these variations on other parts of the Earth. Examples include the melting of ice caps at the South Pole and North Pole. These changes may take tens, hundreds or perhaps millions of years.
Through the arts, Poets for Climate aims to build connections and solidarity between the Global North and Global South for climate action