Poems about Softball are some of the best-ever poems I have found on the web. Softball is part of a sport. The ball was very hard at the start, like baseball. Softball is 12 inches (30.4 cm), while baseball is 9 inches (22.8cm). Sometimes this ball comes at batters at a speed of 70mph (over 110 kph). Softball’s pitch is considered much closer than Baseball. The field of softball is much smaller than baseball fields.
The foundation of softball came from boxing. Softball was born in Chicago for the first time on Thanksgiving Day in 1887. When a person throws a boxing glove in a gymnasium at someone who decides to hit with a pole,
George Hancock is considered the inventor of softball. He wrote the rules of this game. The name softball emerged in 1920 from the International Softball Federation (ISF). It is an outdoor game, and it needs physical strength and stamina. It is also known as a kitten ball, mush ball, softbund ball, etc.
Softball is the most popular game in the United States and in over 100 countries around the globe. A blow happened in softball when the International Olympic Committee voted to drop this game from the Olympic sport for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Afterward, they dropped the baseball too.
These simple poems about softball capture the essence of the excitement, teamwork, and joy of playing softball. Whether you’re a player or a fan, these poems about softball games celebrate the spirit of the game.
Softball Memories
It sure seemed like years to
get the hang of swinging that bat,
the grip just wasn’t right.
With a friend’s help, I swung and hit,
probably thousands of times.
In the end, I felt that I could,
Ouch, That Really Hurt
Saturday neighborhood fun
boys and girls playing softball
in an empty field near our trailer park
eenie meenie miney mo
this was when I was a sixth-grader
I was pitching, not sure why
got hit in the stomach with
a hard-line drive
Softball Time!
Hopefully the fly-ball catch
And around the bases dash!
Out for fun and maybe win
Play and play over again
Strength Training
Whenever my brain hits a wall,
I take a break to play softball.
It helps when I can’t take anymore.
to strengthen me to my core.
Tonight I have a softball game,
I hope I will have perfect aim.
i need a good bat,
and pitches not flat.
or i will hang my head in shame.
In the Diamond’s Glow
In the diamond’s glow, we stand,
Bats in hand, ready to command.
Softball soaring through the air,
Running bases without a care.
Softball Player’s Prayer
Lord, give me the strength to hit the ball
And if I do don’t let me fall
Help me to pick the pitch that’s right
Then let me knock it out of sight.
Then let me run with deer-like grace
Don’t let me miss but tag first base
Then on to second, stay with me lord,
Cuz this one out, we can’t afford.
Then let me zoom like a flying bird
Right down the line and on to third.
Then let me slide with feet out-thurst
Across home plate in the swishing dust.
But first of all, dear Lord, I pray
Just tell the coach to let me play.
Softball (free verse)
The sharp line separating where the sun met your skin
And where it was protected by your shirt is more prominent than ever
Because you forgot to lather on your sunscreen.
The dirt settles into a thin film
Covering every inch of your body
Caking into your hair making it feel
Like you haven’t washed your hair for days.
The bugs are constantly buzzing around your face
Leaving bites up and down your arms
Making them itchy and irritated.
But, the sunburns, dirt filled clothes, and bugs
Only strengthens my love for the game.
Softball Dreams
I think about it night and day,
all I wanna do is play!
I love to catch and throw,
My dreams I take wherever I go.
They say I’m an addict cause that’s all I ever do!
But I just love the game, through and through.
I’ll play softball day or night,
At any time with all my might.
With my dreams I will go far,
I’ll show them all when I’m a star.
Softball is Life
I pull my sock up to my knee
Next to tie my black cleat laces
I start to breath, try to ease
Close it comes, my heart races
As I step on to my field
I grab my helmet and my bat
Step on the base, eyeing centerfield
I swing a heard a smack
I start to hurry and sprint to second
I slow my pace, and hit the base
Making the other team feel threatened
Knowing that if I make it home, we would be first place
Player hits, I start to run while my socks glow
I proudly wear my jersey as I slide down to home
These are the poems about softball. I hope you people enjoyed these a lot.
Change Your Grip Up…
Don’t second-guess your swing.
Watch the ball…
Swing with your hips…
Touch every base!
Never stop paying attention!
Use two hands to collect the ball whenever you can.
Make a plan before pitching.
The most obvious difference between softball and baseball is how the ball is pitched to the hitter. In baseball, the pitcher throws overhand, releasing the ball above the shoulder. A softball pitch is thrown underhand, and the ball is released at the pitcher’s hip.
Softball is definitely harder than baseball due to differences in hitting, pitching, and the distance of the field. Think of it like this: softball is to baseball as tennis is to ping pong.
Plyometric exercises, such as jump squats and box jumps,
The distance between the pitching mound and home plate is smaller, too. So not only do women work with a smaller field, but they also use the oversized ball. The reasoning behind both items is that women have smaller hands and don’t have the power necessary to throw the ball as efficiently on a baseball-sized field.